A challenging project that brought positive experience impact to our civil technical team, challenges encountered includes harsh climatic conditions (heavy rains), lack of availability of fill and gravel material nearby site location and other resources required for efficient heavy equipment operation.

The project involved works which were carried out at two different roads in two different villages 40 kilometers apart (Kiswago village and Mtimbira village), works had to be done simultaneously due to the limited time we had.

After chainage marking, route identification and road marking, Works kicked off, starting site clearance then followed up by cut and fill works using excavator and tipping trucks to make up road levels, heavy-grading works were next, to shape up the road and strengthen the existing sublayer, finally we imported and dumped a selected and tested gravel material for the finishing layer which was well graded to meet up the required top layer thickness.

Works were successfully completed and the roads were officially open for use as from early April,2021, generally, we were happy to be part of this project due to the positive impacts it brought to the communities around.